Many musicians and guitar collectors, view their musical instruments as functional art. Vintage instruments are great to play, beautiful to look at and yes valuable investments.
For the past 25 years, brand name vintage guitars have outperformed the stock market, precious metals and other collectibles. Knowing the value of your collectible instrument is valuable information for your financial consultant, insurance agent and for your peace of mind. A formal written appraisal from Andy Babiuk’s Fab Gear costs just $50 and protects your investment by establishing the value of your guitar in the current market.
Andy Babiuk has over 35 years of experience working with vintage guitars and is a world authority on vintage equipment. Along with writing books and articles on vintage instruments for major publications, Andy Babiuk is also a staff consultant to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and consultant to major auction houses in New York and London. Recently Andy was hired by Paramount Pictures as a consultant and an Associate Musical Supervisor to oversee accuracy and continuity on period correct vintage musical equipment in a soon to be released major motion picture. With such impressive credentials, Andy Babiuk’s Fab Gear can accurately and authoritatively provide you with a current market appraisal on your prized instrument.
Stop by our showroom or make an appointment for your appraisal. For more information call 585.425.0077 or email Andy Babiuk’s Fab Gear at;
Contact us.
And get your gear appraised today!